“Diane produced a few pieces for me when I was making Distillations - notably a story about how animals communicate with chemistry … She is a phenomenon and you should absolutely work with her if you ever have the opportunity.” Mia Lobel
My Academic Publications: Diane Hope PhD Writing & Scientific Publications 2023.pdf
new podcast - forests, fire & futures
Forests, Fire and Futures…
a 6-part series I produced for Northern Arizona University’s School of Forestry
Hear what its like to be an NAU Forestry student, learn about the lastest online courses, the future of fire ecology, women in forestry and fire, the latest advances in forest entomology, the work of the ancient DNA lab and how AI is playing an important role in forest management.
Starts soon. Listen here:
LADY KILLERS with Lucy Worsley on BBC Sounds …
Episode 3 - Lizzie Borden: Axe Murderess?
Join Lucy Worsley as she explores the case of Lizzie Borden - who in the late 1800’s was accused of and tried for murdering her father and step-mother … with an axe! Did she do it? Was she found guilty? What does this case tell us about life for women in the Victorian era? And do these themes still play out today? With journalist Erin Moriarty - and author Cara Robertson on location at the Borden House in Fall River, Massachusetts.
Listen at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0c24xsc or
on Apple podcasts at: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/3-lizzie-borden/id1620155570?i=1000558161816
Example of my sound design:
Take an audio trip to tiny Kinmen Island between China and Taiwan, where a giant, weaponized wall of sound that still stands — and broadcasts.
America’s FORGOTTEN FOREST: FOr Birdnote
Pinyon Pines, Pinyon Jays and People
A short feature about the growing threats to pinyon-juniper habitat, pinyon jays and the importance of pinyon nuts to indigenous peoples across the American West. Featuring Lilian Hill (Hopi tribe) - director of the ‘Hopi Tutskwa Permaculture Institute’. https://www.hopitutskwa.org/
Pinyon nuts are an important source of food for the Hopi, Navajo and other tribes across the US Southwest. The habitat hosts around 70 species of birds, including flocks of incredibly intelligent and socially complex pinyon jays. It is under increasing threat from drought, clearance for livestock grazing and fire.
crucial fewsion: us food, energy & water systems
This podcast series aims to explain some of the main research findings from the FEWSION team - based at Northern Arizona University. Funded by the National Science Foundation.
Hear all nine episodes at: https://fewsion.us/category/education/audio/crucial-fewsion/
Episode 1 - U.S. Food Energy and Water Systems: An Introduction to the FEWSION project
In the first episode of this new podcast series, project director, Ben Ruddell (Associate Professor in the School of Informatics, Computing and Cyber Systems at Northern Arizona University) describes the aims and scope of the FEWSION project. Also featured are shoppers and traders at the Sunday Farmers Market in Flagstaff, Arizona.
Episode 2
The ‘hows’ and ‘whys’ that the FEWSION team use when analyzing US food, energy and water systems.
FEWSION project lead data scientist, Richard Rushforth takes us on a ‘data tour’ of City of Flagstaff, with some of the vital annual statistics for food and water use in Coconino County – and by inference its main population center.
Episode 3
Who do you think has the most sustainable water supply – residents of the mountain town of Flagstaff, Arizona – or its vast, desert neighbor of metropolitan Phoenix? The answer might surprise you. Find out why on Episode Three of Crucial FEWSION - with data scientist Richard Rushforth. And hear how Ben Ruddell explains the butterfly effect with a real-life examples from Hurricane Harvey to the China-US trade war … how a change of conditions in one part of the food-energy-water system can cascade through those systems…. and hwo FEWSION data can help us to predict and better prepare for such scenarios in the future.
Episode 4
The Last Mile: Citizen scientists are helping FEWSION researchers to collect data on how personal consumption affects large scale food-energy-water flows, from the store to your front door.
Sean Ryan, local Citizen Science coordinator for the FEWSION project talks about the rewards of working with students and members of the public.
Two of the first Citizen Scientist cohort, along with some of NAU’s FEWSION students, explain what they’ve been finding out. And how those findings are radically changing their everyday behaviors.
Episode 5
What if you knew that your beef-eating habits may be directly threatening rivers in your region? If you knew that you could positively influence the health of a river by eating less beef – would you? In this episode Professor Brian Richter, a water conservation specialist and member of the FEWSION research team explains how much are beef-eating habits are affecting major US rivers and how a water crisis can be averted, without threatening farmers’ livelihoods.
Read the research paper in Nature Sustainability www.nature.com/articles/s41893-020-0483-z
Episode 6
How resilient are the food supply chains across the United States … especially in the face of climate change?
Most of us think that sourcing our food locally is good – but to what extent is that true? We’ll learn all the latest key findings on all those issues in this episode of Crucial FEWSION.
Music composed by Tom Biddle .
Episode 7
Hear researchers Michael Gomez, Alfonso Mejia, and Benjamin Ruddell explain how they tested the ability of US food supply chains to respond to shocks like extreme weather events, global pandemics, and political upheavals.
Gomez, M., Mejia, A., Ruddell, B.L. & Rushforth, R.R. (2021). “Supply chain diversity buffers cities against food shocks.” Nature, V.595. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-03621-0
Episode 8
In this episode of Crucial FEWSION, NAU carbon scientist Kevin Gurney explains the state of research on proto-types for a U.S. national CO2 emissions monitoring network, harnessing two models that FEWSION researchers has developed called Vulcan and Hestia (which has been applied to the Los Angeles Basin, Indianapolis, Salt Lake City and Baltimore.
Learn more here: https://fewsion.us/agu-tv-features-the-vulcan-and-hestia-projects/
Episode 9
Net Primary Production (NPP) is the term used for the amount of biomass stored by plants. Its the building block for nearly all ecosystems on earth – it provides us with everything we eat. In this episode we hear about the latest research on how Humans Appropriate that Net Primary Production, or HANPP from researchers at Utah State University. Get ready for some staggering planetary statistics
Research papers mentioned in Episode 9: .
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1211349110. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1003&context=uaes_pubs
bringing chemistry to life…
Episodes I’ve produced for Distillations (the podcast of the Science History Institute)
WRECKED! Episode 155
Australian maritime archaeologist, conservator and corrosion chemist Ian MacLeod describes the fate of sunken ship wrecks and some of the adventures he's had while studying their decay. Executive producer Mia Lobel.
Music by Tony Higgins.
Winner Best Podcast from the Science Studio: https://on.soundcloud.com/5eNx7
OUR Chemical Landscape Episode 130
How do animals communicate in the dry environment of the Sonoran Desert? With chemistry! Hear ant researcher Burt Hoelldobler, bee expert Steve Buchmann and rattlesnake biologist Erika Nowak, explain. Recorded and produced by Diane Hope with executive producer Mia Lobel. Also available at: https://tinyurl.com/22y545h5 (from 04:26)
Jelly beans, bones & blood Episode 164
A new test for the early detection of bone loss & osteoporosis? Researchers at Arizona State University & the Mayo Clinic talk about the development of this new technique & its possible applications. Music by Ergo Phizmiz & Christoph Schindling.
Also available on SoundCloud here: https://on.soundcloud.com/9siep
Water WebS episode 174
… are a new way of visualizing how water controls our ecosystems. Episode 174 of ‘Distillations’ made for the Science History Institute, looks at research by the Sabo Lab of Riverine Ecology at Arizona State University. Studies there have shown that water availability controls riparian food webs to a much greater degree than previously thought - and that drought can have a big impact on trophic cascades. Music: 'Drown' by Altered Carbon; 'Ethereal Mood in Blue' by Clorofila Azul; 'shuffleground clandestine' by yan_g. Also available on SoundCloud at: https://on.soundcloud.com/k4ewr
What happened when a historian fell in love with an old photograph?
Photograph of Fred Loring taken by Timothy O’Sullivan on the Wheeler Expedition in 1879.
When historian Lynn Downey came across an intriguing daguerreotype of a handsome young man in a dusty archive, she had no idea where her researches would lead…
Episode 20 of the ‘Out There’ podcast series was recorded and produced by Diane Hope; the executive producer was Willow Belden.
Music: Ben McElroy, Blue Dot Sessions & Colin Langenus
Also available here:
EVERMORE! - modern ravens
Photo 'Heckle & Jekyll' by Eyal Shochat.
In recent decades, raven populations have increased dramatically across the America southwest. They are a far cry from the monosyllabic birds of Edgar Allen Poe’s classic poem. WIth biologist Bill Boarman, writer Catherine Feher-Elston, photographer Lauren Haury and a little help from The Simpsons.
Music: The Alan Partridge Project
polo - sport of kings … and cowboys
Far from the rich polo-playing centers of Florida and California, there’s an altogether more rural - but still highly competitive game going on … listen in on a season’s inaugural game of the venerable sport of ‘Cowboy Polo’.
Recorded on location in Skull Valley, Arizona; originally broadcast on KNAU.
following footprints - Life as a professional tracker
What does it take to become a professional tracker? And how are those skills used? In this feature for KNAU Arizona Public Radio, we hear from wildlife tracker Tony Nester, the Chief of Emergency Services at the Grand Canyon National Park … and the ‘Shadow Wolves’ … an elite group of Native Americans with a unique role on the Arizona-Mexico border.
Dead or Alive? - a five part series for KNAU Arizona Public Radio
A look at northern Arizona’s ghost towns, across time and cultures…why we’re drawn to them, and what we can learn from them. NAU professor of history Michael Amundson introduces each episode. Recorded and produced by Diane Hope & funded by a grant from the Arizona Humanities Council.
Episode 1 - What IS a ghost town? They’re not just 19th century mining towns. They range from ancient Indian pueblos, to 1950’s Route 66 stops.
Episode 2 - History … or Myth? Ghost town hunter Kurt Wenner examines the truth behind some of Arizona’s most notorious ghost towns. Like Canyon Diablo, that was way more violent than Tombstone.
Episode 3 - Tourism - Kill or Cure? How modern day visitation has affected the survival of the ghost town … in some remote locations there really are towns with Population ‘1’.
Episode 4 - Native American Ghost Towns. In the Hopi way of thinking of the past ‘ghost town’ a very appropriate and not necessarily negative term for the homes of their ancestors. On the Navajo rez, ghost ‘town’s are often old trading posts…
Episode 5 - Chloride, Arizona is a living ghost town. Not only do they stage gun fight reenactments for tourists, but members of the all female ‘Wild Roses’ have even tried living the old way…
GEOLOGY … when Rocks speak
LANDLINES: a series of radio shorts on the landscapes of the Colorado Plateau, written and presented by Michael Collier and Rose Houk, for KNAU Arizona Public Radio
Meteor Crater - a cosmic impact site
Photo: Michael Collier
Agathla in Monument Valley means ‘place with much wool’ in Navajo…
Photo: Mike Reyfman
Smoky Mountain - sulfurous fumes curl from vents on the Kaiparowits Plateau
Montezuma’s Well - where geology meets biology