“I've just listened to Bicycling with Butterflies! It's beautiful! Wonderfully subtle sound editing and mixing, and such an emotive story and connection with the Monarchs.” Rob MacKay …. https://followingtheflightofthemonarchs.com

Obsessed with the Quest is gorgeously put together. Several field researchers tell stories that have you on the edge of your seat and then filled with wonder, the details are so good … Diane reminds you how deeply satisfying it can be to immerse yourself in the textures of the world.” Helena de Groot 

How far would you go?

Available on BBC Sounds: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001tr7l

Five tenacious researchers and explorers give first-hand accounts of their all-consuming endeavours - the intense challenges and narrow escapes … all in an obsessive pursuit of their goal.

Produced by Diane Hope with Florian Bohr. Exectuive Producer Martin Smith


Episode 1 - Inside the Minds of Chimpanzees

Primatologist Catherine Hobaiter describes her fascination with these primates, recounting moments of discovery, wonder and deep tragedy in the rain forests of Uganda.

Produced by Diane Hope Photo: Catherine Hobaiter


Episode 2 - Humpback Heat Run

During mating season male Humpback whales race to reach nearby females. Cameraman Roger Munns describes jumping in front of a Humpback whale ‘heat race’ as they charged towards him. Could he capture good footage while freediving on one lungful of air… without becoming collateral damage?

Produced by Florian Bohr Photo: Roger Munns


Episode 3 - Exploring Violent Volcanoes

Italian vulcanologist Dario Tedasco was a graduate student on his first field trip to an active volcano in Hawaii. As he sampled volcanic gases from a vent he suddenly noticed that a few feet away his supervisor’s legs were surrounded by molten lava…

Produced by Florian Bohr Photo: Dario Tedasco


Episode 4 - Bicycling with Butterflies

Sara Dykman talks about her 10,201-mile journey following the Monarch Butterfly migration from central Mexico to Canada … and back. What was the most difficult part?… Featured on BBC R4’s Pick of the Week in July 2024

Produced by Diane Hope Photo: Sara Dykman


Episode 5 - Descending the Five Deeps

More people had walked on the surface of the Moon, than had visited Earth’s deep sea beds when explorer Victor Vescovo decided to reach the deepest points in all five oceans. He was amazed at the diversity of life at such depths - but first he had to overcome some tricky technical issues…

Produced by Diane Hope Photo: Victor Vescovo
